On 6th December, AlgarOrange, Associação dos Operadores de Citrinos do Algarve organised the Seminar “Promoção dos Citrinos do Algarve nos Mercados Externos” [Promoting Citrinos do Algarve in Foreign Markets], where it presented its internationalisation plans. The event took place in the auditorium of CCDR Algarve (Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Committee) in Faro.
It took the form of a round table where topics of interest for citrus-farming in the region were discussed and analysed. The panel of speakers comprised, by order of appearance, Francisco Serra, President of CCDR Algarve, Sílvia Neves, Deputy Chairman of the Managent Board of AlgarOrange, Amílcar Duarte, Professor at Universidade do Algarve, António Ramos, Regional Dynamics Coordinator from CCDR Algarve, Gonçalo Santos Andrade, Chairman of Portugal Fresh, João Fernandes, President of the Algarve Tourism Region and Pedro Valadas Monteiro, Regional Director of Agriculture.