On 20th February, AlgarOrange organised the Seminar “Ameaças fitossanitárias aos citrinos” [Plant health threats to citrus fruits]. Nuno Russo, Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development, Pedro Monteiro, Algarve Regional Director of Agriculture and Fishing and José Oliveira, chairman of the management board of AlgarOrange were present at the event.
Ana Paulo Carvalho, from the General-Directorate for Agriculture and Veterinary Practice, made a speech about priority pests for citrus fruits and the new regulations. Professor Amílcar Duarte, from Universidade do Algarve, followed with a talk on the importance of and strategies for controlling the African citrus psyllid (trioza erytreae) and fruit fly (ceratitis capitata), and then Celestino Soares, from DRAP Algarve, who elaborated on the theme “Inimigos de quarentena da cultura dos citrinos. As principais ameaças” [Quarantine enemies in citrus cultivation. The main threats]. Vicente Dalmau, from IVIA – Instiutto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias, brought to the table the experience of the programme for controlling ceratitis capitata and citrus surveillance in the community of Valencia.