AlgarOrange presents Internationalisation plans

On 6th December, AlgarOrange, Associação dos Operadores de Citrinos do Algarve organised the Seminar “Promoção dos Citrinos do Algarve nos Mercados Externos” [Promoting Citrinos do Algarve in Foreign Markets], where it presented its internationalisation plans. The event took place in the auditorium of CCDR Algarve (Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Committee) in Faro. It took […]
Seminar and debate plant health threats to citrus fruits

On 20th February, AlgarOrange organised the Seminar “Ameaças fitossanitárias aos citrinos” [Plant health threats to citrus fruits]. Nuno Russo, Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development, Pedro Monteiro, Algarve Regional Director of Agriculture and Fishing and José Oliveira, chairman of the management board of AlgarOrange were present at the event. Ana Paulo Carvalho, from […]